Thursday, January 21, 2016


Friendship can be tough, especially in high school where everything and everyone
changes. Your middle school friends aren’t even recognizable, they have each gone
their own way and you are left to hurriedly find your new crowd, your new best
friends, the people that will make you survive high school. It’s a tough time really
and I certainly struggled the first year because everything was so new and fitting in
was definitely tempting.

While you are on your search, to find yourself, to find your friends, to find where
you belong, it’s important you stay true to yourself. I know you might be thinking,
How can I stay true to myself and fit in?”. High school is all about trends, and doing
what everyone else is doing but most of the time, what everyone else is doing, isn’t
the right thing at all. It can be hard to willingly not fit in, but you will grow true
friendships from it. You will find people that understand you and that have the same
interests and that like you for who you are.

In Corinthians chapter 1, verse 15:33 it states, “Do not be deceived: “Bad company
ruins good morals” You are righteous for you are a woman of God, you are blessed with good morals and changing that just to “fit in” is not worth it, I can guarantee it. So do not change for anyone! Do not become someone you are not, so you can fit in with people that do not care about you. Instead focus on God and his ways and He will lead you to
similar minds, similar people, people of God and together, you will survive high
school and develop your newest friends in Christ.

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